Boskoopse Oude Gespikkelde Kip
(V.1 en V.2 - The Dark Side of the Old Speckled Hen)
An imitation of Morland's Old Speckled Hen, A smooth English Bitter with a caramel-tone, based on a partial-steep recipe is from BrewUK (see links)(V.1 = 001) and later on full-steep versions, brewed with double fermentation (batches 005 and 012).Clear bitter, with a nice strong head, and a light tingling feeling in the mouth. A nice light bitter, combined with a soft caramel taste. Ligh hoppy after-taste, with a fruity yeast acidity accent.
As I am always playing Pink Floyd when brewing and I wanted to brew a more caramel-tasting version, a dark version has been brewed with dark candy-sirup (batches 031 and 040). This version is aptly named: The Dark Side of the Old Speckled Hen. This version has a deeper caramel/coffee tone with a balanced maltiness.
Recommended drinking temperature: 7...10 oC
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Bottled: | 040: 2021-07-27 031: 2020-03-03 |
Alc. vol.: | 040: 6.9% 031: 6.2% |
EBC: | 040: 91 (incorrect printed on label) 031: 104 |
EBU: | 040: 41 031: 42 |
Brew volume: | 20 liter |
Malts: | Batches 031 and 40 (The Dark Side of the Old Speckled Hen): 2.750kg Pale Ale mout (5 EBC) 0.720kg Dark Crystal mout (280 EBC)* 0.140kg Special B (320 EBC)* 0.140kg CaraMunch I (90 EBC)* 0.330kg Münchner I mout (14 EBC) 0.190kg Donkere Kandij-siroop (200 EBC) (at boiling) 0.560kg Donkere Kandij-siroop (520 EBC) (after main fermentation, at cold-hopping) * can be replaced by : 1,000gr Crystal mout (130 EBC) |
Hops: | Batches 031 and 040 (The Dark Side of the Old Speckled Hen): 30.0gr Cascade (2020, 8.9% @ 90 minutes) 40.0gr Cascade (2020, 8.9% @ 15 minutes) 20.0gr First Gold (2020, 10.29% @ 15 minutesn) 30.0gr Cascade (2020, 8.9% @ cold hopping) |
Yeast: | Batches 031 and 040 (The Dark Side of the Old Speckled Hen): 17.0gr Lalleman Windsor British-Style Ale |
SG (startn - end): | 040: 1058 - 1.008 031: 1.062 - 1.022* * Kandij-siroop has been completely added at boiling and SG(start) 040 is without the extra kandijsuiker-addition |
Mash-scheme: | Batches 031 and 040 (The Dark Side of the Old Speckled Hen): Beta-amylase: 64oC 45 minutes Alpha-amylase: 72oC 45 minutes Mash-out: 78oC 10 minutes with 20 liter Boskoops water with 2.5gr CaCl2 and 4.5ml lactic acid (80%) Rinsed with 8.1 liter Boskoops water with 0.9ml lactic acid (80%) |
Fermentation: | Batches 031 and 040: Total fermentation period: 45 days After cold-hopping clear hop-creep! ![]() |
Bottling: | Batches 031 and 040: In 63x 30cl bottles with 1.39gr sugar per bottle (4.6gr/l) |
Batch-number(s): | 031, 040 |
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Bottled: | 001: 2014-12-31 005: 2015-06-14 012: 2017-01-17 |
Alc. vol.: | 001: 5.4% 005: 6.5% 012: 7.1% |
EBC: | 22..31 |
EBU: | 48..68 |
Brew volume: | 18..19 liter |
Malts: | Batches 005 and 12: 3.638kg Pale Ale mout (7 EBC) 0.494kg Crystal mout (130 EBC) 0.015kg Zwarte mout (1300 EBC) 0.790kg Witte Kandij-suiker (0 EBC) Batch 001: 0.295kg Crystal mout (130 EBC) 0.015kg Zwarte mout (1300 EBC) 2.000kg Moutextract licht (8 EBC) 0.410kg kristalsuiker (0 EBC) |
Hops: | Batches 005 and 12: 44.0gr Challenger (9.4% @ 75 minutes) 19.0gr E.K. Golding (4.9% @ 10 minutes) Batch 001: 28.0gr Challenger (7% @ 75 minutes) 10.0gr E.K. Golding (4.9% @ 10 minutes) |
Yeast: | Batches 005 and 12: 17.0gr Fermentis S04 SafAle Batch 001: 11.5gr DCL/Fermentis US-05 Safale American |
SG (start - end): | 001: 1.051 - 1.010 005: 1.060 - 1.014 012: 1.069 - 1.018 |
Mash-scheme: | Batches 005 and 012: Single-step mash of 60 minutes with 20 liter untreated Boskoops water at 68oC 3x filetered through spiral filter Rinsed with 8.0 liter Boskoops water at 80oC Batch 001: Single-step mash of 30 minuten with 6 liter untreated Boskoops water at 68oC Rinsed with 7 liter Boskoops water at 75oC 8 liter Boskoops water added of about 100oC |
Fermentation: | Batches 005 and 012: Primary fermentation 11 dagen Secondary fermentation 3 dagen in separate fermentation tank Batch 001: Single fermentation of 9 dagen |
Botting: | Batches 005 and 012: In 30cl bottles with 1 drop Coopers carbonation sugar (effective 2.5gr. sugar) Batch 001: In 30cl bottles with 1.2 gr kristalsuiker per bottle |
Batch-number(s): | 001, 005, 012 |