Boskoopse Bijen Barley Wine

A strong barley Wine with flower-honey from Boskoop and lagered on wood-chips. Brewed in the Summer for a cold Winter!
Recommended drink temperature: 8...12 oC

Boskoopse Bijen Barley Wine 021
Botteled: 2018-08-29
Alc. vol.: 9.5%
EBC: 50
EBU: 108
Brew Volume: 18 liter
Barleys: 5.000gr Pale Ale (5 EBC)
600gr Melanoidin (5 EBC)
1,800 Münchner I (15 EBC)
600gr Roggemout (8 EBC)
160gr Crystal rye malt (420 EBC)
90gr Chocolade malt (1000 EBC)
450gr Boskoops' flower honey (at flame-out)
Hops: 70gr Centennial (9.6% @ 75 min)
50gr Simcoe (13.2% @ 15 min)
50gr Simcoe (13.2% @ flame-out)
Addition: 35gr orange zest (sweet)(@ 15min)
Yeast: Danstar - Nottingham
SG (start - end): 17: 1.087 - 1.017
Steeping-scheme: First steeping step: 10 minutes with 18 liter Boskoops water (non-treated) of54oC op 53oC
2nd Steeping step: 90 minutes at 67oC
In 15 minuten heated to 78oC
10 minutes rest at 78oC
(filtered through wort using pump and stir every 15 min.)
Rinsed with 14l liter Boskoop's water (untreated) at 80oC
Fermentation: First fermentation of 11 days
Second fermentation of 4 days

TILT vergistingscurve
Botteling: In 30...33cl bottles 1.6...1.9gr sugar
Batch-number(s): 021
Volume: 48x 0.3l en 8x0.33l